I feel in the UK many of us have it wrong.
Many of us have our priorities backwards:
– Work
– Family
– Friends
– Ourselves
The right way in my opinion is to look after yourselves firstly which will allow you to look after family, friends and do a good job at work.
If you neglect yourself you’re in for a bumpy ride!

When’s the last time you had a holiday? Doesn’t have to mean jetting off somewhere, a holiday as in just getting away even for just a couple of days. Get away from stress and thoughts about work and just relax (get off your phone) and enjoy your own or someone else’s company??
Can’t remember?
Here are 5 signs that you’re in need of a holiday:
1. People Ask You Are You Okay? I was on the verge of burnout one time last year and the amount of people that asked me ‘Am I Okay?’ or ‘You Look Tired’ was not good! If you’re knackered even the simplest of tasks are a lot more difficult.
2. You’re Being Counterproductive: You’re taking twice as long to do your usual duties or maybe you’re taking extra time on lunch breaks or getting to work late in the mornings.
3. You Can’t Deal With Simple Things: Little things which usually don’t phase you cause you to snap.
4. You Have No Energy: I don’t know many people who leap out of bed in the mornings but if you’re dragging yourself out of bed and feel tired all day = have a holiday.
5. Don’t Sleep Properly: Mind is working overtime at night and you can’t sleep.
6. You End The Day With An Alcoholic Drink
So there’s 6 signs you need a break! How did you score?
‘Work to live, not live to work’
Have a good weekend and do something nice,
Jamie Stedman