December is definitely now in full flow.
You still going along well with your routines?
It’s the time of year when the gyms get a bit quieter and the restaurants and bars get a bit busier.
So I’m taking that to mean Christmas fever is in full flow and people are having a little break until the New Year.
Yes there’s a lot of things going on with family and friends over Christmas but a lot will have just written off the month from exercise and healthy eating and will start again in January (one stone heavier) – a terrible idea if you ask me.
It’s important to try and stick to your routine as much as possible, it doesn’t have to be perfect (it never has to be perfect to get results) but you’ve got to just keep yourself ticking over.

Do these things every day for the rest of December and you won’t go too far off track:
– Drink a minimum of 2 litres of water
– Supplement with high quality fish oils
– Eat green veg
– Fast and skip breakfast if you’ve over eaten the night before
– Try to exercise 3 days a week
This easy to adopt protocol will allow you to coast through December relatively unscathed without sacrificing your enjoyment.
Jamie ‘Trying Not To Be Scrooge’ Stedman
PS If you’re struggling for Christmas gift ideas or you want to send a hint to a partner/family member then check out my extremely useful gift vouchers available for next year: