Sign Up Questions
Before starting it is vital that I get as much information as possible about you to be able to build a personal training program that will suit you. Please take a few minutes to fill out this form in as much detail as possible. There are quite a few questions but it will help me to build a better picture of you. These are the same questions that I would ask my clients when we meet for the first consultation.
Personal Details
1. Name:
2. Date of Birth:
3. Gender:
4. Height:
5. Weight (kg/st.lbs):
6. Body fat percentage (if known):
7. Ideal weight (kg/st.lbs):
8. Are you currently losing/gaining weight or staying the same?
9. Do you have any medical or physical conditions which will affect your ability to exercise?
1. What is your main goal?
2. How will achieveing this change your life?
3. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being highest how important is achieving your goal to you?
4. How long do you think it will take you to achieve this?
5. Do you have a specific exercise goal e.g. run a 5k, cycle 10 miles, do a half marathon etc.
1. How many times a week do you currently exercise?
2. What type of exercise do you currently do?
3. How long do you usually exercise for?
4. Would you like to increase your current activity levels?
5. Do you enjoy exercise?
6. What is your favourite type of exercise to do?
7. When in the best time for you to exercise(morning/midday/evening)?
8. How many days a week can you exercise?
9. Are you a member of a gym?
10. For outdoor cardio sessions do you know a place goof for running? Parks, cycle paths, beachfronts are great.
11. Do you have an exercise equipment at home? If not would you be able to get 2 small Dumbbells and a mat?
12. Are you a confident exercise or do you feel unsure/nervous about things?
13. Do you train alone or with a friend?
14. Are there any barriers you see towards exercising e.g. cost, transport, time, motivation, family commitments etc.?
15. Do you swim and have access to a swimming pool?
16. Do you enjoy/want to start going to exercise classes?
1. Would you say you currently eat a healthy diet?
2. Are you a vegetarian?
3. How many meals a day do you usually eat?
4. Do you eat breakfast everyday?
5. How many pieces of fruit and vegetables do you eat a day?
6. Do you do your own shopping and cooking?
7. Do you enjoy cooking?
8. Name your 5 favourite meals/foods:
9. Name your 5 least favourite foods:
10. Do you have any allergies?
11. How often do you eat desert?
12. Do you take any supplements?
13. What foods are you most likely to crave?
14. Do you eat better at work or at home and why?
15. Do you eat worse on weekends?
16. Are there anythings you consciously restrict? e.g. salt, sugar, caffiene, alcohol
17. Write down your diet on an average day drinks included:
18. Name 5 things you want to change about your diet:
19. How would you like to be nutritionally coached? Would you prefer a diet plan for each day of your program to stick to or are you happy with your diet and would just like to know more through my nutritional articles and hints and tips which you will receive.
1. Do you smoke? If yes how much.
2. How many units of alcohol do you drink each week?
3. What do you do for a living?
4. Do you work full time?
5. What are your working hours?
6. Are there any up and coming events during the course of this program which will affect your training and eating? e.g. holiday
7. Would you say you are stressed a lot of the time?
8. What is the best way to keep in touch during this program? Telephone/skype calls/Email