Hope you aren’t in a pancake coma after pancake day yesterday, well it’s round 2 today.
Valentines day!
Double whammy! Plus this is sandwiched amongst the six nations campaign which inevitably means a few days on the lash!
People have only just recovered from Christmas and it’s such a simple time to slip into bad habits again so please be wary.
Pancakes and a meal out with the loved one today is enough for many people to take a full week off exercise and healthy eating until next week.
Not you I hope.
Every day you wake up a certain weight, you then go to bed either heavier, lighter or the same weight. This happens 7 x a week.
If you have 2 bad days e.g. pancake day and V day and you put on weight you’ve still got 5 days to lose weight and be in a better position at the end of the week (this logic can be used for weekends too).
Quickfire ways to make sure that you stay on track during ‘off days’:
– Drink your water (2 litres minimum)
– Take your supplements, fish oils good if you’re eating off track
– Keep up your exercise regime, burns calories and makes you feel a heck of a lot better
– Limit alcohol as much as possible, this really does slow everything down
Following those 4 steps even on a day when you’re eating what the hell you want will lessen the damage (to a degree).
Anyway just a quick email today, hope you all have a good day and if you’re out and about with your partners have a lovely time.
Night in with an M & S dine in meal for us tonight.
Take care,
Jamie Stedman
PS EXCITING NEWS – This Friday I will be revealing an event I’m organising next month which guarantees to help get you healthier and shift some weight. Keep an eye on your inbox.