Week 4

Workout 1

Workout 2

Workout 3

Weekly Meal Plan


Another week gone, another week of health boosting eating and exercising.

How are you feeling now, drop me a few lines to let me know what changes you have made so far on your exercise journey. How are you finding the online personal training experience, any feedback positive or negative is welcomed to help this process become even better and more beneficial to clients.

First up I want to point you in the direction of this article. It’s all about lifting weights and strength training. If you are in any doubt as to why you are doing a lot of lifting weights and if you have any queries about it this article should help. You have hopefully now learnt that weight lifting isn’t just ‘A man thing’ it’s extremely beneficial and every single person should do some form of it.

Why You Should Lift Weights

Food Diary Feedback plus Q & A Video 1

If you haven’t seen this yet then it’s worth a watch.

I talk about:

  • Is porridge a healthy breakfast
  • How to cook certain foods
  • Analyse someone’s food diary who lost 9lbs in his first week
  • And more!


Also you learnt a little bit about the mental side of things last week with your mindset, sticking with this theme for this week I wanted to talk about motivation.


We discussed last week how success can be seriously jeopardised without the right mindset and today I want to discuss how achieving your goals without motivation to do so is more or less impossible.

Motivation is everything, clearly you have some motivation, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have come to me, you came to me because you wanted something, you wanted it so bad and it meant to much to you that you have committed to give me absolutely everything in training and you have committed to give me absolutely everything outside training to stick to this online coaching plan.

I have given you the commitment that I will try everything to help you reach your goals, I have planned every session specific to you, I have planned a diet plan specific to your goals. If we work together and you give me everything we can achieve your goals.

Without motivation you will happily sit on the couch and watch TV, snacking on s**t food rather than getting out there, getting down the gym, training at home or out for a run and making a real difference to your long term health.

So stay motivated, stay positive and let’s go out there and achieve our goals. We only get one shot, so make the most of it.

For a bit of extra inspiration and motivation to make the most of our time check out this video:

The Greatest Speech Ever Made

Hopefully that has got you fired up.

Last thing for now, if you have found that you are feeling a little bit peckish from time to time between meals then the following document will give you advice on what snacks you can have which are great in between meals and stop you reaching for the KitKat Chunkys or the Pringles!!!

Snack Sheet

Catch you next week, same time, same place

After 7 days you are ready to move onto Week 5

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