Hope you took on board some of the advice I gave you from last week’s post about the summer.
If you missed it you can still find it on the home page of my website 🙂
I had a couple of people getting in touch with me asking about the plan and what other services I offer. If you want to know more you can on the following links:
One-One – https://www.personaltrainerllanelli.co.uk/packages/
Group training – https://www.personaltrainerllanelli.co.uk/special-offers/
Online Plans – https://www.personaltrainerllanelli.co.uk/online-coaching-2/
90 Day Plan – https://www.personaltrainerllanelli.co.uk/online-coaching/
I think that’s enough links for today!
As you can see offering all of those means I get pretty busy.
Which is good, I love my job and I love helping people.
My ultimate aim with all of my clients is getting them to reach a level that they can continue on their own. I want them to be independent and be able to get to exactly where they want to be and stay there.
I do struggle for time sometimes.
I must confess that I do take on too much sometimes between my personal training, sports massage business and work for the council (plus trying to train for 2 marathons this year).
I spend quite a lot of time writing these blog posts and emails every week, do I get paid for them no?
If I wanted a bit more time in the week then stopping writing these emails would be one solution.
But I don’t want to.
I must admit I do question how many people are reading and following my advice sometimes but I keep writing and here’s and example of why.
This is an email I received last year from one of my followers:
Hi Jamie, I just wanted to say thank you for your emails over the last few months.
I have been needing to get back into a healthy lifestyle after suffering from Depression for a couple of years and every few days your emails have taken me a little step closer. I have changed my eating habits gradually since January and this morning, for the first time in years, I got out of bed at 5.30am and went jogging. I feel fantastic! I cant wait to do the same tomorrow.
So, Thank you, what you are doing is pretty unique, there are not a lot of people in your profession who are prepared to give out free advice like you do with your mailing list and I just wanted to tell you how much of a difference you have made for me.
Thanks again!
This makes it all worthwhile.
Catch you soon,
Jamie Stedman