Is The Online Program For Me?

Hello there!
As I mentioned the other day my online program is on sale at half price up until Monday at midnight.
I’d been working on this behind the scenes for a long time and it launched fully in January 2015!
Results have been great with people so far.
A few guys and girls progressing well on the plan. This is just the start though, I want to change more than a few people’s lives I want this to go large. I’m talking 100s of people on the plan and benefitting from what it has to offer.
So I’ve been getting a few questions about the plan since I mentioned the sale yesterday.
1.Is it suitable for males and females?
Absolutely! A massive focus is on the nutritional side of things so these meal plans are suitable for both men and women. Also the exercise aspect works for both and will guarantee you increase your fitness and burn some calories. You get regular contact with me throughout the 90 days so I often give my clients little tweaks to help improve their results.
2. How does it all work?
You get daily emails for the full 90 days and a profile setup for you with access to the members only area of my website. These emails contain links to the private content and give you each workout and a meal plan for every single day on the 90 day plan.
You also get access to shopping lists, weekly tutorial videos, articles to increase your knowledge and much more.
The plan is split into 3 cycles and you weight and re-measure yourself at the end of each cycle.
3. It Still Says £99 on some parts of the website.
Don’t worry about that, as it’s only a flash sale not all of the information has been changed. Click the paypal button/link at the top of the page only to pay or the link I send again below and it will take you through to the £49.50 half price payment page. You can’t do the monthly payments for this offer, you have to pay in full.
You’ve got nothing to lose (apart from a bit of weight that is ;-))

Here’s the link for more info about the program:
Here is the link you need to use to pay:
Any problems with signing up let me know.
Take care,
Jamie Stedman
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