She Hadn’t Lost Weight In 8 Years

I first met the wonderful Marie a few months ago as part of the exercise scheme I work on for the local council.
She had been suffering with various health problems over the past few years and they were really affecting her life in a negative way.
The usually simple tasks were starting to get more and more difficult and she took action by starting to exercise.
She noted she wanted to lose weight and a few weeks later on she arrived on a Wednesday night in Felinofel at the slimming club I run with Richard Clarke from Swansea.
The club has been going since September and there’s been some pretty great results for those so far.
Everyone who has stuck to the plan has lost weight.
So Marie was a bit pessimistic after trying every diet under the sun (with limited succes), she told me that she hasn’t lost any weight at all in the last 8 years! Despite her best efforts.
I told her if she follows the plan properly she will see some results, I warned it may take a few weeks but to stick with it andĀ give it time.
Over the next week I saw Marie posting on our private members facebook group all of the meals she has been eating. She really adjusted to the plan well and had made some healthy changes to her diet (not starving herself and not eating ready meals!)
So last Wednesday she arrived at club again, she was happy with her eating but didn’t think she’d ‘lost’
So after an interesting talk on fasting and other weight loss strategies we had a weigh.
Marie had lost 6 lbs!!
It brought her to tears (and nearly me), after years of plugging away and failing she has finally found something that works for her.
This plan is the real deal.
It’s not a diet, it’s a way of eating for life, give it a chance and it works.
If you’re interested then you need to fill out this form first:
You can even come and try a class for free to see what it’s like.
Have a good week,
Jamie Stedman
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