Chris Richards

Name: Chris Richards                Age: 34

From: Ammanford                    Package: 12 Week Body Transformation


  • Improve fitness to be able to run Cardiff Half Marathon
  • Weight Loss

Chris Richards


Week 1 Week 12 Results
Girth Cm:
Neck 40 39 -1
Upper Arm 37 32 -5
Chest 103 100 -3
Waist 104 100 -4
Stomach 100 93.5 -6.5
Thigh 63 65 +2
Calf 41.5 38.5 -3
Total -19.5cm/7.6 Inches
Fitness Tests 
12 Min Cooper Run Distance (m) 1750 2020 +250
Press Ups Max 15 20 +5
Burpee in 1 minute 15 20 +5
Squats in 1 Minute 38 40 +2

What Chris had to say:

Started a few months ago and gone from not being able to jog 100m without struggling and being out of breathe to completing my first ever 5k a few weeks ago and doing my first half marathon in 2 weeks time. Training is fun and varied which keeps it interesting but they are well structured and the results have spoken for themselves. I believe motivation is key when training and he keeps on top of things, not in your face but says the right things at the right times which works for me. He has pushed me hard but it’s also been fun and for me that’s perfect.

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