This page shows you a video with accompanying description of most of the exercises that you have been given in your program. The ones without the video still have some coaching points on how to perform the exercise.
The videos are in alphabetical order so please navigate down to find the correct exercise.
Click here to see Exercise Library 1 A-M
This library continues to be updated so check back another time to see if any news videos have been added.
Plank – Core
– Adopt a press up position on all fours but place the forearms on the floor instead of the hands, keep your back straight and core muscles engaged and hold the position, avoid dropping the hips too low or putting your bum too high in the air.
Power Clean – All Over
– Place 2 DBs on the floor by the side on your feet, place feet about shoulder width apart and squat down and hold the weights
– Push up from the floor with the weights, bend the elbows as you lift until you are standing with the weights close to the shoulders and in the same movement press them overhead
– Return to the start position to complete the rep.
– Use your legs to help you lift the weights, keep the weights close to the body and make sure the movement is fast and explosive.
Press Up / ½ Press Ups – Pectorals
– Place your two hands on the floor with fingers pointing forwards, outstretch the legs behind and get up on your toes, keep your back straight with hips level, this is your start position.
– Bend at the elbows to bring your chest down towards the floor, once you have got as close to the floor as you can straighten up the arms to complete the rep
– Avoid bending the elbows too wide, aim to tuck the elbows close to the body.
– For a 1/2 press up follow all of the above steps but place your knees on the floor instead of balancing on your toes.
Pull Up – Back
– Stand below a pull up bar, place your hands on it with an overhand grip about shoulder width apart
– Bend at the elbow to bring your chin over the bar, slowly lower down until the arms are straight and move into the next rep. Can bend knees behind to make it more comfortable, avoid swinging.
– If you can’t do this yet you could try assisted pull ups if you have a resistance band that you can tie to the bar and hook under the knee to help you up or you can try jumping pull ups which involve standing on something to bring your closer to the bar and jumping up to help bring your chin over the bar.
Push Press – Deltoids
– Safely lift a barbell up to shoulder height with a fairly wide overhand grip, get your balance with feet about hip width apart, bend the knees slightly down and explode up with the legs at the same time straighten the arms into a shoulder press, once your arms are straight come back down to complete the rep.
– Use the legs to give you that extra power to help lift the weight up overhead, don’t jump into the movement just powerfully push up.
Reverse Flys – Deltoids
– Hold a DB in each hand with knuckles pointing to the side, bend over at the hips but keep the back straight.
– Without raising the upper body push the weights out laterally away from the body until just below shoulder height and return back towards the body.
Reverse Lunge – Legs
– In the standard lunge position instead of stepping forward take a step backwards, bring the knee you stepped back close to the floor and then push it back forward in line with the other foot, do the same on the other side.
Russian Twist – Obliques
– Sit down with your legs in front of your, lean back slightly and twist the torso from side to side (1 rep), to make more difficult hold a weight in your hands and you can lift the legs off the floor.
Shoulder Press – Deltoids
Pick up two DBs and bring each of them to just above your shoulders, have the palms facing the front of the body, straighten the arms up to straight above the head and then slowly lower back down to complete one rep, lift both arms the same time and avoid bending the back inwards.
Shrugs – Trapezius
– Using safe lifting technique lift up two DBs with a overhand grip and leave them hang by the side of the body
– That’s all you need to do is raise the shoulders up and then relax, keep your arms straight throughout the movement.
– A variation would be to have the weights in front of your body rather than by your side.
Side Bends – Obliques
– Using safe lifting technique lift up two DBs with a overhand grip and leave them hang by the side of the body.
– Slowly lean over to one side and let the weight come down the side of the leg (you should feel a pull in the opposite side of the body), once the weight has gone down just below the knee straighten up and do the same on the opposite side that is 1 rep.
Side Lunge – Legs
– In the standard lunge ready position take a step to the right instead of directly in front.
– Let the weights come either side of the knee and step back to the middle.
– Take a step to the left and return, this is 1 rep. Avoid taking too big a step as this could lead to you pulling a muscle/losing balance.
Side Plank – Obliques
– Lie outstretched on your side. Place your forearm closest to the floor on the floor just below the armpit, with your fingers facing straight in front of you when the hand is outstretched
– Push down on the forearm to bring yourself up, make sure the hips don’t drop down towards the floor and keep it held. Can have one foot on top of the other or one slightly behind the other.
Split Squat – Legs
– Practice without any weight first. Stand up straight and place one leg in front of the other, bend both legs down in a squatting motion so the front knee is at a right angle and the back knee is close to the floor
– The movement is similar to a lunge, once you reach the bottom straighten up to return to the start, that is 1 rep.
– Once you have done designated reps repeat on the other leg.
– To make it more difficult hold a DB in each hand, also you can raise the back leg onto a step or a bench this tests your balance even more.
Spotted Dogs – All over
– Start with your left leg in front of your right with your right arms straight and raised above shoulder height in front of you
– Jump and swap positions so it is now your right leg and left arm in front. Keep this going in a smooth motion one rep after another.
Squat – Legs
– Stand up tall with your legs a little wider than shoulder width apart with toes pointing slightly outwards, bend at the knees to bring the hips down and sink down until there is a 90 degree angle at the hip and knee
– Straighten back up and return to the start. Make sure that your knees don’t come passed the toes on the way down at any point and you sit back into the squat (as if there is a chair behind you), keep your core muscles engaged, back straight and avoid leaning too far forward
– Be careful that the toes or heals don’t come up during the movement and you keep the weight in the heals.
– To make more difficult you can do it with a Barbell on your back, a KB in two hands, a DB in two hands or a DB in each hand by your side.
Squat Hold – With Jumps
– Adopt a normal squat position and technique at the bottom of the movement stay there rather than coming back up.
– At the bottom of the movement you can do little bounce jumps up and down, only come up slightly from the bottom of the squat for the bounces.
Squat & Press – Legs & Deltoids
– Safely lift 2 DBs up to shoulder height with an overhand grip and palms facing inwards, get your balance with feet about hip width apart
– Bend the knees down into a squat and explode up with the legs at the same time straighten the arms into a shoulder press, once your arms are straight come back down to complete the rep.
– Use the legs to give you that extra power to help lift the weight up overhead, don’t jump into the movement just powerfully push up.
Star Jumps – All over
– Stand up straight with your arms by your side, jump your legs outwards, at the same time move your arms from your side horizontally out wide to over your head
– Jump back to the middle and bring your arms back to the side to complete the rep, keep going in a smooth motion one rep after another.
Step Up – Legs
– Using a bench/step/raised platform lift one leg up onto it followed by the other leg, step off the same way and then switch lead legs.
– Make sure your upper body is straight throughout. Add weight to make it more difficult e.g. a KB in 2 hands or a DB in each hand by the side.
Straight Arm Lat Pull Down – Latissimus Dorsi
– Stand behind the lat pull down machine take a wide grip and keep the core engaged and back straight and with your arms straight lower the bar down to close to your body and return to the start.
Straight Punches
– If you are right handed stand with your left foot slightly in front of the right (opposite for left handers) and raise both arms up with fists close to your face, keeping the arms straight punch alternatively out in front as fast as you can.
Tricep Cable Pull Down
– Using a flat 2 handed cable attachment with it hanging around about chest height, grip the handle and tuck the elbows into the side
– Just moving from the elbows and forearm pull the weight down towards the top of your leg slowly, squeeze at the bottom you should feel it in the back of the arms and return up so there is a 90 degree angle at the elbow
– Make sure to keep the elbows tucked into the side of the body throughout the exercise.
Tricep Dips – Triceps
– Position your hands just toe side of the hips on a bench/raised platform
– Step the legs out to straight/bend the legs to make it easier, bend at the elbows to bring your upper body down, aim to get your shoulder close to the same height as the elbow then straighten the arm to bring you back up.
Tricep Kickbacks – Triceps
– Bend at the hips until you upper body is parallel to the ground, pick up a DB in each hand and lift the weights up so the elbows are tucked in by the side of the body
– Keep the elbows high and move the forearms backwards until you can feel the stretch in the triceps, slowly bring the arms back down before straightening them again for the next rep.
Upright Row
– Stand up straight and using an overhand grip, hold two DBs in front of the body, bend at the elbows to lift the weights up, keep close to the body, elbows should be the highest point and reach above shoulder height if possible, slowly lower down the arms back straight to the start.
V Sits
– Lie flat on the floor with your arms stretched out behind the head
– Raise your upper body off the floor towards the middle and at the same time lift up the legs in the same direction, meet in the middle in a V shape and slowly lower back to the floor
– Try not to touch the floor with your legs and go straight into the next rep. Can hold weight behind head to make more difficult.
Wall Press Up
– Place two hands about shoulder width against a wall, bend the elbows to bring your chest and face close to the wall, straighten up the arms to return to the start.
– Grip a DB in two hands and hold by your left side, keep the arms relatively straight and push the weight up diagonally to passed your right shoulder and return to the start, that is one rep
– Once you have completed the designated reps on one side do the same on the opposite. Avoid arching the back too much and excessively swinging.