What’s that about?
It’s one of the most important numbers in trying to create a better you and (like many of my clients) trying to transform your body.
What does it count for… grams of carbs per day, how many minutes to exercise for?
It’s the opposite actually, it’s the times when you aren’t exercising.
168 hours in the week – let’s say you do 4 x 30 min exercise sessions, you have 166 hours remaining in the week.
These 166 hours are going to have a bigger effect than the 2 hours of training in shaping your body.
I’ve had so many clients (and still do) who nail the exercise part (the 2 hours) but fail with the rest of the time (166 hours) this results in minimal body changes.

In the past yeah we thought the more exercise the better but my approach now is this isn’t the case.
Exercise is one of the best things in the world but if you don’t sort out your other lifestyle factors you will not get maximum results.
I was back in exercise class action this week – there was barely room to swing a kettlebell!! A stark contrast from December’s classes.
One lady in the class was on her third class in a row! There’s better ways of doing it believe me.
(Yep I’m a personal trainer telling you to exercise less!)
What to focus on in your 166 hours to achieve success:
1. Eat a well balanced diet – focusing your meals around quality protein, plenty of veggies and good portions of fats and good carbohydrates
2. Sleeping 7-9 hours a night
3. Drinking a bare minimum of 2 litres of water a day
4. Doing things which make you happy (=less stressed)
Get those things right alongside your exercise and you’re onto a winner.
Do you want some help in transforming your body (and your life)? Fill out this form and I’ll be in touch to arrange a free consultation call to discuss the many options available to you.
Take care,
Jamie Stedman
PS The slimming club I run on Wednesday’s is starting to fill up again for the new year. If you want to get your diet sorted (and are female) and do it with like minded people then come and give it a try. You just need to fill out this form first, you can come to the session and if it’s not for you then you can go free of charge. What have you got to lose? (apart from some weight)