Are You Having Too Much Of The White Stuff?

I wonder what first sprang to mind with today’s subject?
That depends on your state of mind I think!!
The reason I (plus many more) believe that people are overweight today (as well as when trying to lose weight) is because of the white stuff.
Not all carbs.
We need carbohydrates for energy and various other functions of the body.
We don’t need as much as we eat today.
A lot of your excess carbohydrate (as well as with most food groups) will be stored as fat.
The Worst Culprits:
1. Bread
2. Pasta
3. Potatoes (sweet too if you eat too much)
4. Fruit
5. Sugar packed foods like chocolate, biscuits, ice cream you know… the nice stuff 🙁
What to do?
To aid your weight loss attempts I’d stick mainly to brown and basmati rice, potatoes and low GI fruit like berries, apples and cherries.
Stick to those and don’t over consume and you’ll be in a good position to lose some weight.
The good news is that the more active you are and the less weight you have to lose then the more carbs your body can tolerate. I for example need a lot more carbs every day as I train as an endurance runner.
Every person has different needs.
WARNING: Don’t see this as a message that all carbs are bad and to cut them out. You just need to be sensible with your portions.
Jamie Out!
PS My clients get a proven meal plan and guide to stick to when they train with me which guarantees weight loss. I have spaces available in both my small group and 1-1 memberships. You just need to fill out this quick form to declare your interest:


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