Mondays are a very important day.
It’s the day where everybody (rightly or wrongly) starts something.
I’ve met up with clients on Tuesday and they have told me they’re going to start their new habit next Monday… which basically means they’re going to eat as much crap as possible for the rest of the week before Monday!! Sound familiar?
So basically rather than starting where they are they want to start just a few steps even further back from where they want to be, making their task that little bit harder.
Oh us humans!!
But as I’ve said rightly or wrongly Monday is seen as the day to start good habits.
I use it myself.
So what happens when Monday doesn’t go well?
Some people recover and get Tuesday right whereas others write the whole week off!!!
With that in mind it’s pretty important you are planned and prepared for your start of the week.
My most successful clients:
– Workout on Monday to kickstart the week (the morning is even better)
– Do a big batch cook on Sundays and prepare their meals for the week MOST IMPORTANT
– Gareth is great and has a little whiteboard and pencils in all of his meals for the week and sticks to it
You don’t have to plan the whole week but preparing your breakfast and lunch and making sure you have food for your Monday dinner Sunday night/Monday morning means you get the week off to the best possible start.
Momentum builds throughout the week after such a start.
An unplanned Monday with no exercise, crap processed foods usually leads to a pretty rubbish week of eating and exercising.
So enjoy your weekend and then Sunday night have a little think about the upcoming week and spare 30 mins for a bit of preparing. I guarantee it’ll make a difference.
I’ll catch you next week and let you know how my holiday went 🙂
Take care,
Jamie Stedman
PS If you want to join the waiting list for my small group training sessions (£10 per session and they run in 12 week blocks) then drop me a message and state which days Mon-Fri you can do and whether you can do morning, afternoon or evenings.