A question I get asked time and time again.
What’s better cardio or weights?
Of course it depends on your goals.
Weight loss it tends to be for most.
So that’s what I shall cover today for you.
As hopefully a regular reader of my posts you know I firmly fly the flag of a healthy lifestyle getting things such as your diet, water intake, sleep, stress levels and of course exercise all make you a healthier body, as a result a healthier body loses weight faster than an unhealthy one.
So exercise is just one piece of the jigsaw, it’s not the whole picture.
If you want weight loss and don’t address anything else from the above list then you’ll need to set a side 4-5 hours a day to burn off enough calories to lose weight.
Weight loss is aided by exercise but exercise has so many other hundreds of benefits which make it the most worthwhile thing you can do.
So cardio or weights, what are you goals?
If you’re a bloke would you rather look like Mo Farah or Usain Bolt, females Paula Radcliffe or Jessica Ennis?
Cardio is a great way of increasing fitness, burning calories and feeling good.
Weight training is a great way of strengthening bones, improving posture, increasing muscle mass and feeling strong.
Why not combine the both and get all the benefits.
That’s the way to do it, a full body approach.
What I would warn against is spending hours and hours a week pounding treadmills, cross trainers, bikes and rowers (unless you’re training for an endurance event), make it short and up the intensity that’s the best way to see results.
That advice is free and shall hopefully help you.
For more in depth paid advice then why not jump onto one of my plans:
Slimming club £25 every 4 weeks
Small group training from £40 a month (4 SPACES LEFT TO START THIS MONTH)
1-1 training from £125 a month
Here’s the link:
Have a great weekend,
Jamie Stedman