Many of us will spend 70-80% of our days sitting or lying down, worrying stuff!

The Foam Roller
Foam rollers come in a few different shapes and sizes. You can get one for under a tenner just look on ebay or Amazon or pick one up from a sports shop. You can get softer rollers and harder ones, if you’re new to this start on a softer one and then get a harder one later if needed.
Just to warn you that you will feel a little bit of pain and discomfort when using a foam roller especially when you go over some tender spots. But it is a good kind of pain if there’s such a thing.
Basically the foam roller mimics the hands of a sports massage therapist. It rolls up and down the muscles under you control smoothing out the myofascial tissue and looking for knows or adhesions to work on.
So whether you are a football player, a regular gym goer or an office worker you can all benefit from improved posture and better functioning and looser muscles. You know what to do.
The main areas to start with to work on with the foam roller would be upper back, between the shoulder blades, hamstrings, glutes, quads and calves. If you’re a runner then you should work on your IT band, you’ll feel that one!
So to find out how just pop into youtube for example hamstring foam roller stretch and take it from there.
Take care,
Jamie Stedman