More Proof About The Benefits Of Shorter Workouts

It still surprises me that people still think that long and slow (and boring) cardio sessions is the best way to exercise from a weight loss perspective.
There’s been a growing movement since I’ve been in the industry towards shorter, faster workout.
The idea being, maximum output with minimum time input.
Would you rather do a lackluster workout for 60-90 mins to get X benefits or work a bit harder for 30-45 mins for the same X benefit (and often more)?
I know what I’d chose.
I’m one of those funny people who actually enjoy exercise but given the choice I’d rather do it for as little as possible of the day while getting all the benefits.
More time for the nicer things in life then – aslong as it’s not just rewarding yourself with food and booze because you worked out!!
HIIT is what these shorter workout sessions are often known as.
High Intensity Interval TrainingĀ 
It basically means combining periods of really hard work with short rests/low work periods. This training keeps your heart rate high throughout the session and promotes greater benefits. It is believed that post exercise the metabolism is raised and stays higher for up to 24 hours. Which means more calories burnt which promotes weight loss.
An article on the BBC news compared two groups a HIIT group and a steady state exercise group. In terms of weight loss they both lost weight but the HIIT group lost 28.5% more weight at the end of the study.
Is it safe?
Not all of it. If you’re a beginner then going into a spin class or a crossfit session definitely isn’t appropriate but anyone can do HIIT as everyone’s capacity is different.
I actually do safe and effective HIIT training at my studio in Bynea, Llanelli.
There’s no jumping up and about and risking injury though, it’s done in a strategic well planned out way.
If you want to join before April’s price increase then use the info below.
Take care,
Jamie Stedman

Groups of 3-5 people, a great place to meet likeminded people and have fun while you train.
Groups running throughout the week Monday-Saturday (mornings/days/evening)
What you get:
  • Initial consultation and lifestyle screening
  • 2 x 45 min sessions a week with Jamie or one of the coaches
  • Body and nutrition analysis
  • Fun workouts where every exercise has a purpose
  • A great and relaxed atmosphere to train at
  • Digital copy of Jamieā€™s cookbook ā€˜Eat Yourself To Health ā€“ 100 Recipesā€™ as well as accompanying meal plan and guide to help you stick to your plan
  • Weekly food diary feedback
  • Access to member only facebook group
  • 14 Day Detox Plan to improve your health and prime your body for weight loss (if thatā€™s your goal)
  • Discounted weekly slimming club where you get nutrition plan, educational book and 4 x recipe books
  • Discounted sports massage and supplements
  • Starter pack (Water bottle & bag)
  • Online program to carry on in your own time
  • Discounted and priority access to coaching workshops
  • Constant support from your very own personal trainer
For the first 8 weeks and if you decide to stay (most do) Ā£94 a month.
(2 sessions a week)
If you aren’t quite sure if it’s for you or you have some questions then fill out this form and I’ll be in touch to talk you through itĀ


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