I won’t say I hate the winter but I definitely prefer the summer… a lot.
I’m more of a vest and shorts guy than a hat and gloves.
I love my running and I love being outdoors and I’ve definitely struggled to motivate myself this winter to get my cold gear on and run in these often awful conditions. It seems to be a new storm blowing over every week at the moment.
And I love exercise, I really do. I know that’s not the case for most people so to stay motivated during these cold and dark times is even harder.
So in this short article I want to share a few tips to keep you on track during the winter.
Just remember you are building your summer body in the winter!
Planning – This is a big one. Don’t leave it to chance because as soon as you see a bit of rain or wind it makes a night in on the sofa that bit more appealing. Plan at the start of your week what classes you will attend/when you will go to the gym and stick to it.
If you can exercise in the morning even better, you have much less time to talk yourself out of it this way! Get your kit ready the night before.
Speaking of kit…
Get Some Decent Kit – You don’t have to spend a bomb on fancy nike and under armour but make sure you get a good base layer/jacket and some hat and gloves if you’re exercising outside. My winter running gear usually consists of running socks, leggings, long sleeve base layer, t-shirt, gloves and a hat. Definitely makes the exercise a lot more bearable.
Obviously if you’re just training in the gym then your usual gear is fine.
Find A Friend – If you can get someone with similar goals as you to train with it definitely helps. You can help to motivate them and vice versa. It’s easy to let yourself down but you’ll think twice about skipping a session and letting someone else down.
Workout At Home – I’ve posted some great bodyweight exercise sessions and home workouts you can do from home (click the exercise article tab). They’re short and sharp and you don’t have to leave the house. No excuses with this one.
Eat Well & Stay Hydrated – Keeping your fluid levels high (aim for 3-5 litres of water a day!) and consuming healthy nutrient dense foods will keep you feeling energetic throughout the day and not tired and sluggish. I know it’s easy to curl up in front of the TV with some comfort foods but we both know that’s not going to get you where you want to be this year.
So there are my tips.
I hope they help you in your fight for fitness this winter!
Good luck,
Jamie Stedman