So as you know I ran (/walked) Snowdon Marathon last Saturday.
I was slightly concerned that my training hadn’t quite gone as well as planned and that I wasn’t fully ready for the run.
Add in a stinking cold to the equation on race week and I was definitely up against it with one of the toughest UK marathons around.
Looking back I maybe should have pulled out of the run due to the cold but went against logic due to being stubborn!
So the first half of the run went well and I started to think ‘maybe it’s going to go okay’
But then it hit me. There were some mega hills andĀ the second one had me.

I won’t bore you with the details but basically over the second half of the race my body more or less went into shut down, my lower body was in constant cramp and I pretty much then walked the second half of the race.
Through some grit and determination I crossed that finish line when it would have been much easier not to, for that I’m happy.
Lesson learnt? I think so from two perspectives:
1. Don’t try and run a marathon when ill
2. Don’t try and run a hilly marathon without doing the required training
We get out of life what we put in.
If you want to achieve the best possible results you have to put the leg work in
This applies to all aspects from running to work to losing weight.
There’s a right way of doing it and a wrong way.
If you want to find out the right way of getting into good shape and losing a few pounds then come to me.
Prices will be going up in January so if you want to sneak in before Christmas to my one-one/small group training spaces then you need to act fast.
Just so you know I’m taking a well earned holiday so will be back and replying to emails November 13th. Don’t worry though you’ll still be getting your fix of emails from me even from sunny (hopefully) Florida.
I’ll catch you properly when I’m back and shall surely share some stories on how I coped in the fast food land!
Jamie Stedman