Thank You For Joining

Many thanks for joining the 90 Day Plan.

Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you.

In 90 days you will learn how to eat clean, make healthy recipes, exercise the right way and take control of your health.

Every program starts on a Monday.

You will receive an email every day for the next 90 days from next Monday.

You should still receive an email soon with your login details for the members only area. Feel free to login and have a little look around to get you all set for next Monday.

So check out the members area for all of the information you’ll need to get ahead of the game and be in the best position to start on Monday.

Please note that you need to be logged in to access all of the members only content. You should receive your login details in an email soon.

This is the start of a new you.

I’m really looking forward to working with the new you!

Jamie Stedman

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