
Welcome to the 90 Day Program.

You have got yourself a personal trainer!

Today is the first day towards taking you to the next level. No matter what your goal is hopefully you can look back on this moment as being a massive moment towards achieving it.

This is a structured system of learning and personal development – which is proven to work.

Your information will be given to you in bit sized amounts, drip fed over a period of time.

Every 7 days new content will be revealed to guide you through your program.

Watch this quick video to see how to navigate the site:


Please note that you will start receiving your daily emails from Monday and that is when you should start on the plan.

The system will help you learn about – Exercise and Nutrition as well as providing you with lots of other useful tools which help with your motivation, mindset, time management, rest and recuperation and much more.

Every time you log in you will be taken to this page, this page contains all of the links to the documents you will need for your personal training program. It might be worth saving this webpage to your favourites to make it easier to find.

Navigate the site as a normal website, you can check back here to make sure you have not missed anything out.

Remember to keep logging in regularly to ensure you get all of the content you need.

Leave comments after each article to share your thoughts with us and other members on the plan.

You can see below an overview of which content is available in each week (you will not be able to access your next week of content until 7 days time). Click on the appropriate week as you progress through the program to keep up to date with your training sessions, food diary as well as members only healthy recipes and articles to help you.

So for the people who have just joined please click on the week 1 link below and get yourself familiar before Monday of what you need to do to get started:

Cycle 1

Week 1 (Preparation Week)

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Cycle 2

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Cycle 3

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13



To help you out I’ve put together a page packed with tasty and healthy recipes. This page will continually be added to so keep an eye out. You will find recipes from your meal plans in this document but also some bonus extra ones for you to try.


It is likely that in your program you will come across certain exercises which you are unsure of. I have come up with an exercise video library starring yours truly of many of the exercises included in the program (if there are any which aren’t on there then please contact me/just look online).

Here is the link:

Exercise Video Library 1 A-M

Exercise Video Library 2 N-Z

The exercises are in alphabetical order e.g. if you the exercise is a squat you need to scroll down and find squat under S. It is a good idea to save the exercise library link to your browser/favourites list as you will most likely use it a lot at first.

So good luck and make the most of it.

Any questions please contact me.

Jamie Stedman – Your recently employed personal trainer!

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