The Special K Challenge

Have you had your breakfast yet? If so what did you have?
My breakfasts tend to be:
– Eggs and meat
– Greek yoghurt with fruit and nuts
– Oats/Overnight oats with fruit and nuts
– Weekend treat breakfast: Smoked salmon, avocado, eggs and mushrooms
High in filling protein, healthy fats and sensible amount of carbs.
Most popular breakfasts in the UK are unfortunately high in carb, high in sugar and will leave you feeling hungry by mid morning.
Cereal is the biggest culprit and people eat it every day!
I’ve even been hearing the Special K Challenge on the radio a lot over the last few weeks.

It gives all the bold claims nice and loud about dropping a jean size etc. and then right at the end in a nice fast and quiet voice it whizzes through what it consists of (which is where I have a problem with it).

This consists of trying to lose weight by replacing two meals a day with a bowl of cereal (carrying very little nutritional quality).

Of course you’re going to lose a little bit of weight (plus much needed muscle) because you’re cutting your calorie intake.


You’re also cutting your intake of good protein, good fats and other vital nutrients which you get from a well balanced diet.

This is not sustainable and it’s not the right way.

People need to concentrate on addressing their diet and simply eating better foods rather than swapping meals for a couple of bowls of sugar in an effort to drop a jean size for a few weeks.

What we do now is going to impact our health in later life so ditch the quick fixes and the processed foods and eat healthy, natural foods.
It’s harder to eat healthier than just eating what you want, but if you care about your health then surely it’s worth learning a few healthy recipes and getting up a little earlier to plan and prepare your meals for the day right?

If you want to find out 100 easy to make and super healthy recipes then why not try out my Cookbook ‘Eat Yourself To Health – 100 Recipes’ 
Have a tip top day!



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