Wedding Time

Good morning,
Hope you’ve all had a good week.
I’ve had a nice and chilled week so far, it’s almost an off week for me.
Bank holiday monday and  I’ve taken a bit of extra time yesterday and this afternoon to help recharge the batteries.
Tomorrow I’m heading off to Amsterdam for a wedding.
I’m really looking forward to it.
With that in mind and there being plenty to do it’s just a quick post this week.
The wedding is actually two of my clients Jim and Gusta.
Jim came to me in 2014, he won’t mind me saying it but he was in a bit of a bad way.
He had been going through some serious personal stuff and over the last few years was starting to notice that he was struggling with every day tasks (bending down, getting up out of a chair and things like that) he had been really active all of his life through work and home life so he didn’t like this in the slightest!
So he got my help and we started meeting up twice a week for training, we also looked at his diet and supplements and sleep. We addressed all aspects.
Jim had never done any traditional exercise before, he had just been active. So all of this stuff was new.
The results have been amazing.
He won’t mind me sharing the fact that Jim is late 60s and is in fantastic shape.
He has called it life changing, with his new lease of life he even met his lovely lady Gusta from Holland who has also trained with me on her visits to Wales and I’m so delighted for them that they have found happiness.
I just wanted to share this nice story today, there’s a lot of doom and gloom in the world at the moment so anything like this is welcome in my opinion.
Exercise can be life changing, I see it all the time.
It’s not about burning calories or getting a six pack. That’s not life changing, what is life changing is this:
– Increased confidence
– More social opportunities 
– Reduced chance of getting serious health problems
– Increased productivity, energy and happiness
These things make a difference, by benefiting from all of the above you are in a much better position to crack on and have a good life.
If you need help committing to 1-2 top quality and beneficial exercise sessions a week then head here:
Right, back to it!
Have a good weekend.
Jamie Stedman
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