Happy Friday!
Every now and then I like to have a nice big look at my business.
Evaluate what is working well and what is working not quite so well.
I really love blogging.
I set myself a challenge about 18 months ago of writing to you fresh content every Wednesday and Friday and I’m pleased to say I’ve done it without missing a single day. (I’m going to be looking to start blogging on Monday too so warn your inbox!)
I do admit I get writers block sometimes, most of the time it flows but sometimes I have to wrack my brain to think of something to write.
To help me I use stories from my clients, my friends, fitness classes and day to day interactions.
Also what I find useful is when clients/followers ask me questions which I can turn into a little post.
So I’m after a bit of feedback today.
I’ll make it simple, I’ll give you 5 options lettered A,B,C… if you can just reply with a letter to each numbered question and I’ll use your feedback for future posts and to help my business.
Question 1
What do you want to read more about from me?
A. Exercise tips
B. Client stories containing ‘how to’ tips
C. What to eat to lose weight
D. Healthy recipes
Okay next question
Question 2
How do you find the length of my blog posts?
A. Too long
B. Too short
C. Just right 🙂
Question 3
In what capacity would you most want to work with me?
A. Online coach
B. Slimming Club
C. One-One training
D. Small group training
Question 4
What stops you from doing this?
A. Don’t know how to start
B. Hard to contact me
C. Financial reasons
D. Nervous
Question 5
If I started new fitness classes what would interest you the most?
A. Beginners running club
B. Skipping/rope jumping fitness class
C. Outdoor fitness bootcamp
D. Walking club
If you could just reply saying for example 1.A, 2.C, 3.B I would appreciate it so much.
Have a good weekend,