I Feel Like A New Person

Not so long ago one of the lovely ladies who attends my fitness classes came up to me with a problem.
She said:
‘Jamie I need you to help me out with my eating’
After a bit of digging from me I realised what the problem was with her diet (I’m sure many of you can relate):
– Eating on the go
– Quick foods on her lunch break – sometimes bread
– Too much alcohol and cheese on the weekend!
This lady was already in good shape but she wanted to feel less bloated and change her body shape a little for the better.
So I pointed her in the direction of my personalised fitness and nutrition plans (https://www.personaltrainerllanelli.co.uk/online-coaching-2/)
I sent her the plan about 3-4 weeks ago and yesterday she dropped me an email to give me an update, here’s what she said:
‘Hi Jamie, my diet plan is going well . I’ve not weighed as I don’t haveĀ scales but I know I’ve lost my bloat and I feel fab . My vitamin b 12 injection is due and normally I’m so tired and cranky . But this is not the case no more!!Ā 
I haven’t stuck rigidly to the plan, during the week yes, but not weekends but I’m definitely seeing the results and it’s given me a boost . Thank you so much I feel like a new person !!!Ā 
Hope all ok with you. Ā Haven’t been to Saturday classes as had things on. I’ve cut out bread completely and only drink wine weekends !! And not half as much !Ā 
Excellent! I love getting emails and feedback like this, it does make all the hard work worthwhile to see how it’s improving people’s lives.
Petra wasn’t going too far off track she just needed a gentle nudge in the right direction.
If you need a little help then you know where I am.
Have a wicked Wednesday!
Jamie Stedman
PSĀ Here’s that link again if you want to get your plan (they’re great value for money I must say):
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