Q & A Time. Slimming Clubs, Smoothies and Saturated Fats

Hey Guys,

Hope you’re having a good week and enjoying the summerish weather!

A few weeks ago I sent an email out encouraging you to send in some questions for me to answer on the blog.

Like good blog followers you listened 🙂

So today I’m just going to be going over a few of those questions.

QUESTION: Do you have any more details about the slimming club you are starting?

ANSWER: Nothing is officially confirmed yet in terms of venue. I’m still exploring a few potential venues and trying to find the best one. I will let everyone know the exact venue and cost closer to the time.

What is definite though is it works. I’m carrying on the work of a successful slimming club run in Swansea by Top Trainer and friend Richard Clarke and using his proven system. We weigh at the end (if you want to) not at the start, we don’t have free foods, we don’t eat fat free/low fat products and we don’t count calories.

If you’ve tried all the diets and clubs under the sun then this could be the one that works for you.

QUESTION: Are smoothies a good option when trying to lose weight?

ANSWER: It depends really on where you’re at with your weight loss. I like smoothies but I would never recommend anyone does a juice diet. Just add them into your weekly eating plan as and when needed. They’re a good breakfast option if you’re in a rush in the morning. I have a Nutribullet and blast up some stuff which makes enough for 3 drinks.

Word of warning though… if you just have fruit and then add some fruit juice you’ll be in-taking a tonne of sugar. Use water instead of juice and limit your fruit to 1-2 portions and then add some greens like spinach, cucumber or kale. They still taste great,

QUESTION: Is Coconut Oil good or bad?

ANSWER: It depends whether you’re following good advice or government advice 😉 I’m firmly in the coconut oil fan club. You do have to be careful as it does have a very high fat content so don’t go wild with it. We are told to believe that saturated fats are the devil and heart disease in disguise, but there is increasing evidence which now states that saturated fats are good.

Coconut oil is a great source of healthy saturated fats and I use it for my cooking. Make sure you get the solid version in the jar though.

Okay that’s all for today gang!

Keep those questions coming in.

Jamie Stedman

PS If you’re tired of being confused about what exercises to do and what foods to eat why not let me write you up a diet and or exercise plan. More details here:

Personalised Training & Nutrition Plans

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