Week 12

Workout 1

Workout 2

Workout 3

Workout 4 (optional)

Weekly Meal Plan


The penultimate week on the plan!

What a bloody journey.

It’s been great but we’re not done yet.

You’ve got a busy week of workouts and healthy eating, plus next week is the time to redo your fitness tests and re measure and also take your ‘after’ photos. Next week is your time to show off what you’ve achieved!

So be extra vigilant this week and keep yourself on the straight and narrow. You’re too close to the end to let things slip.

Your meal plan for the next two weeks is slightly more restricted, I’ve reduced your carbohydrate intake and there isn’t quite so much variety. I want to ensure you get the best results so following this up until the end of the plan should guarantee this.

If you are up for a little read this week then check out this article I wrote back in 2014 about sugar. I like to think it’s interesting 🙂

Are We Addicted To Sugar?

Tutorial 8 – HIIT

In this video you learn the big benefits of high intensity interval training and how it can really boost your fitness and fat loss results.

Oh yeah in half the time as well!

Give it a watch:


After 7 days you are ready to move onto Week 13

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