You Gotta Be In It To Win It

One thing I’ve found since being in the industry
Well in every aspect of life is that:
You get what you put in
You put in 50% effort you get 50% results
This is enough for many people, for other it’s not
I aim high and I think you do too
I see so many people complain about their health, body shape, job, lifestyle, finances but put in lackluster efforts to change these things
Poor health – Cook a healthy meal
Don’t like body shape – Join a gym (and go)
Bad job – Work hard to improve your skills and go for a promotion/change of job
Lifestyle – Make plans, give yourself something to look forward to
Finances are low – Do all of the above and you’re in a much better position to boost this
You are in control of your destiny and you shape your life
If you want the best one possible then you need to work towards it, every day not just when you feel like it!
Hopefully that’s rallied a few emotions on a Wednesday morning!!
If you want to join my little fitness army then you can by filling out this quick n easy form:
If you aren’t quite ready but still want to do something positive then you can buy my brand new cookbook ‘Eat Yourself To Health – 100 Recipes’ which is on offer here for £8.99:
Take care,
Jamie Stedman
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